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Whats Going ON

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:03 pm
by bodyguard
In the last few days, reading the posts between the lines there seems to be some unhappy people on these forums.

Why is that, are there people out there trying to be e-men and who has the biggest ***** ?
(sorry Shane, but thats the only way to describe it).

Cmon people, its a forum for a hobby that we all enjoy, like anything there isn't going to be 100% agreement on everything. Even I have my bad days, and get pissed off with what I read here.

Maybe there are too many chiefs and not enough indians, hell I don't know, but it feels to me that the place is starting to crumble around our ankles.

Shane has put a lot of effort into the site, we use it and we don't need to abuse it.
If people that hold positions here, arent mature enough to let things and comments go over their head without having to reply to every single post, then in my opinion people like that aren't mature enough to hold any positions here.

Thats my input, as I see it from my perspective, like I said I am not 100% but hopefully if you read this, and change a little for the better of the site, it will continue to grow the way Shane intended it to grow.

Or we can make it a kiwi citizen only site :)

Kia Kaha

Re: Whats Going ON

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:50 pm
by fire_rescue
we all enjoy radio we should ll get along , enjoy the hobby , as for big day out shane can u get tape measuers from ur work :lol: good with the tape