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New rules to cut ambulance response times

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 12:41 am
by turbine_prop
This is an interesting article ... 6756154114

Maybe if they who like me that listen to the regional chnls a bit and regularly hear of ambo's attending code 2 to people that feel a bit off color or who have sprained thier back if thoes people were refused an ambulance and told to make thier way to thier local doctors or the local hospital we'd maybe have a few more ambulances on the road.

The same thing happens here I Melb the amount of calls that I hear ambo's attending when thst person clearly dosnt nedd an ambulance is incredible, I know what I'd tell some of these time wasters. Of our our precious resources.

Re: New rules to cut ambulance response times

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 10:26 pm
by vkcpolice
I think its wrong either way if you need a ambo or not. I listen to metro and regional ambos a fair bit. I was colapsed over in pain by myself and had to call for help and I was refusd a ambulance and told to walk 8km to the closest hospital maybe they should clearly stop resonding to code 3's code 2 is still very inportant to respond to and thats what I was put under after I had a nurse pull over on the side of the road and call a ambulance for me

Re: New rules to cut ambulance response times

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:27 pm
by melbourneradio
as some one that has worked extensively in the hospital environment and "along side " the MAS , I can tell you for a fact that the media beat up is a crock !!

the whole system is based on codes and also how the patient presents , not only via the on call at esta , but also at the hospital triage ,

I have personally been present at hospitals while they have been "ramped " and queued down the drive way , I have also seen how many people just waste the time and money of the health system , (drug users are only the start !!!) I could tell you stories all day about this ,

I am now out of hospital work , but I was involved with one of the hospital in vic with the worse rep ,,, and I was based there , for about 5 years on and off , I spent up to 12 hours a day in these places some of the time a bulk of that dealing with MAS or VIcpol in emergency dept and phsyc wards

you want to know more send me a PM , I wont discuss it over an open forum